Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This is my first blog entry. Here are some pictures from Easter. It was great to finally get outside after the long winter because we've had spring fever.
Here is Kate's dog she made. She wanted to make sure we put it next to her Easter basket, so the Easter Bunny would see it.

This is my nephew Julian. I love this pictures because of his beautiful eyes and pinchable cheeks.

Bella was having fun on the trampolene or as Kate called it the 'lene.

Blake and Emma

Kate has been practicing riding her bike since her birthday in February. Mostly she has just been able to ride on the sidewalk between the huge snow banks. Today is the first day we are finally free of snow.

Beck can stand by himself now, but he isn't really all that interested in walking unassisted and is content just to crawl for now. He is trying hard to speak and he says "momma" "Dadda" "ball" and this morning he said "Bye-Bye" to Eli when he left for work. He also is getting four front teeth.

I love watching my Babies sleep. I have to fight the urge not to pick them up and hug them because they look so darn cute.
Hopefully there will be more entries to come. Although it did take me like a week to finally get this one done. Mostly due to the hundreds of interuptions from children. Hopefully I will get better with more experience. I don't see how all you all have time to blog so frequently and make them look so amazing. I have a lot to learn from you all.