Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Christmas was great. I really enjoyed having my young kids and fed off their excitement. I think they all got what they wanted. Here is a picture of Kiera with all she wanted for Christmas. . . her 2 front teeth. She has been smiling to show off her teeth ever since she got them. The top two shouldn't be too much longer either.
I think she is my most active baby and she army crawls like a pro. She has also learned a new trick of pulling herself up on the bottom stair and can even get one knee up. This freaks me out because she is way too young to be climbing stairs. I am starting her on table food but she seems to be much happier with baby food or food she can find on the floor under the table. I think she may have some food allergies and I will probably have her tested soon. Beck recently had his yearly skin test and it was very positive again. The hive for his cashew was like two quarters sitting next to each other. Pretty shocking. He has never had a hive quite that big.

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