I thought I would do a new baby top ten list that would kind of recap the last two weeks with our brand new baby.
10........the approximate number of dirty diapers to change in a 24 hour period. We have already gone through three packages of newborn diapers (that is just for Kiera, Beck is still in diapers too).
9.........I think I must be about 9 hours behind on house work. I currently have 4 baskets of unfolded laundry that have been sitting there for three days and tomorrow is laundry day again. When I finally get to the dishes, I have to do like three loads just to clear out the sink. I feel like my house will never be in order again. I can't find anything and I am hoping no one will stop by to visit because I would be so embarassed. I have only cooked dinner for my family twice and the rest of the time we have gone out to eat which has been at least four different times what we usually might do in a month or even longer.
8.........Kiera is gaining weight and now weighs 8lbs she is in the 40th percentile for weight (I wonder how long that will last :) our babies usually are less than the 5th percentile for weight and Kate even dropped off the charts for a while).
7........I think I attempt to take a nap during the day about 7 times unsuccessfully. It seems as soon as I lay down I can't sleep because the baby wakes me up to eat, my kids wake me up because they are fighting, or I am too uncomfortable to sleep and need to get up to get an ice pack or pain reliever etc.
6........In addition to regular meals, the number of snacks I eat a day as my body is preparing to nourish a newborn. I constantly feel like I am starving and I am craving sweets like crazy. I just can't seem to get satisfied on the no-dairy, no-eggs, no-nuts diet, but hopefully it will help Kiera avoid the allergies her brother has.
5......The number of times I have been peed on while changing diapers. I thought my son would be the one I would have this problem with, but it is Kiera's favorite trick lately.
4......I am guessing I am averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night and it is not a regular scheduled time either, so I am surprised I am even coherent since I am the type that needs more than the standard 8hrs to function as is.
3......I can't believe I have three kids and I don't see how I will manage trying to drag three kids to the store and everywhere else. I have been spoiled to have Eli's help for the past two weeks. He got to see Kate and Beck in action at the Super Wal-mart last night and he even agreed that I should try to go without them.
2......The number of times I have actually done make-up in the last two weeks. I have attempted to do my hair even less.
1......I was thinking how grateful I am that I had just one new baby and not twins or more because I would be going insane not to mention how hard it has been for my body to recover from the delivery of just one baby. I am so lucky to have Kiera she is such a good baby and only cries when she wants to nurse. She doesn't have colic or spit up much. My only problem is that she likes to sleep too much and then I get a little engorged and have issues with plugged ducts etc.
Having a newborn in the house is at times a challenge physically and emotionally, but I am trying to enjoy every moment with her sweet smells, funny sounds and faces, her tiny grip, her snuggly little body, and pure innocence. One of my favorite things is watching kiera dream. I watch her eyes move rapidly back and forth and she twitches and smiles. I also love to tickle her feet and she seems to like it too since she will stretch her little leg toward me as far as she can and flex her foot for me to tickle it.
I was thinking the other day how intently they focus on your face when you talk to them and how interested they are in you. Newborns give you their full attention and enjoy just gazing at you. I was thinking how I wish I could get my 4year old to give me a 10th of that amount of attention. How much easier things would be. As is I have to ask her to do something like 10 times and she still seems oblivious that I am talking to her. Kate and Beck adore Kiera and I have to keep explaining to Kate what Kiera's limits are. She will literally scream at Kiera trying to get her to look in her direction or do what she wants her to do. Beck loves to rub her head and ear lobe and he lets me know if her eyes are open or if she is crying. He gets very excited when her eyes are open since she sleeps most of the time. They have had a cold this week which is one of my worst nightmares for my newborn to get sick, so I have tried to keep them away from her and that has been quite a challenge. Now I am just hoping for Kiera to settle into a routine, so I can manage things a little easier. I am not looking forward to Eli's return to work tomorrow:(. At least I can say it has taught me to take the day as it comes and to be more flexible.
By the way, we had a nice Easter. We had my family over Saturday for lunch and an Easter egg hunt and then we went to Eli's family's on Sunday for dinner. It is also my first anniversary for blogging since my first blog entry last year was Easter. I wasn't sure back then how long it would last since I wasn't sure I would enjoy it or if I would even find things to post about. Now my post are so long usually I am probably the only one to read them.
At the Hospital
8 years ago
Enjoy this time, it slips by too quickly.
WOW!! I'm so happy for you all. What a dear. Let me know if you need anything. I hope that I can link up to your blog and have you with mine. So sweet!
She is absolutely beautiful! Three was my hardest also! I remember the first time I took all three to the store, Ethan was 2 weeks, Abbby was 2 and Zach was still 3. I was in tears by the time I got to the checkout line. Then, a miracle occured...my mom walked through the front door of the store, and I shouted out her name. She took the oldest two, and I was able to finish. I think it was a long time before I took all three at once. Now, I take all five, and it is a free for all! It will get easier in a couple of months, in the mean time, enjoy that newborn smell!
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