Sunday, January 4, 2009

Celebrating the New Year

My husband's sister's family was in town for the New Year and we spent a lot of time eating, playing games, and playing in the snow. I had a Dr. appt. on the 2nd and of course I gained almost 10 lbs since the beginning of December. I was doing well with the gradual and normal weight gain of pregancy until this month. I was hoping to only gain an additional 5 lbs than where I am now and that might be kind of difficult considering I have three months left. I guess I shouldn't admit that right now I am eating oreos dipped in hot chocolate:).

Okay, now back to my intended blog entry. I thought it would be fun to post some pictures and video of the fun in the snow. Kate discovered snow angels this year and with a little help from mom, she loves to make them every chance she gets.

My nephews Jared, Isaac and Luke helped my husband build a luge in our back yard and I think they enjoyed it because they weren't very excited to leave when their parents came to get them.

On Saturday we went sledding as a big group. Beck enjoyed the sledding, but didn't last very long in the cold. He has snow pants and a good coat, but that didn't help with his hands and feet which were covered with little knit gloves and his regular tennis shoes to keep warm. Kate stayed out quite a while and really enjoyed the "sliding" as she still calls it.

Beck and Byron getting ready to cruise down the hill on a tube.

Beck chillin' in the shade with Jennie

Luckily a few days after Christmas Beck decided he was ready to start walking again. He kind of hobbles a bit, but it is so nice to have him more independent and he is much happier with his increased mobility as well. I got really excited about him walking and started cheering and clapping for him and he surprised me with his reaction. Instead of beaming with pride at his accomplishment like I thought he would he threw himself on the floor and started crying. He was self-conscious because he knew he was walking funny and was embarassed when I gave him attention. I thought it was pretty funny that he could have that type of reaction at such a young age. He does the same thing if someone catches him singing and he doesn't want them to notice or pay attention.
He sure had a lot of fun wrestling with his older cousins and even learned to say all of their names.
We were glad we could spend so much time with family and celebrate the new year together. I think the only thing that would have made it better was if the Arizona cousins could have been there too. At least we got to see them at the wedding less than a month ago.

1 comment:

suz said...

The boys did love it! Thanks again!