Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It seems like with small children every little errand, trip to the grocery store, or even just trying to sit through church becomes an overwhelming ordeal. Then add the fatigue and lack of concentration that go with pregnancy and it seems like torture. Sometimes it takes like 3-5 hours to just do the grocery shopping.

The other day I got one of those carts that looks like a car and has two seats for kids to sit and pretend to drive. I thought it would be a good idea until they both started fighting over who got which seat and then neither of them wanted to sit they decided they wanted to run around the store instead. Beck was grabbing bags of marshmellows off the shelf and trying to bite through the bag to eat them then he was walking down the isle trying to punch the bread. I hate feeling like one of those parents with the uncontrollable kids everyone dreads being around. Everytime I leave the grocery store I promise myself I am not going to bring them anymore! Luckily, when I was shopping at the Target clearance sale, I had some candy which helped keep the kids occupied and it seemed like I was surrounded by other mothers who were experiencing their turn dealing with the screaming kids.

This past week I tried to go to costco and we ate lunch first and then loaded up our cart and as we were just about finished with our shopping they made everyone evacuate the building and leave their carts. I don't know what was going on, there was a alarm that went off while we were eating, but it went off quickly and there were no emergency vehicles as we were leaving the building. What a hassle! Just to even get out the door is enough trouble and then load, unload, take a bathroom break, eat, take another bathroom break, shop, and then to just have to leave everything and start back at zero because of a fire or chemical leak. I was down to like four diapers too. Well, off to another store and as we are checking out I lean over to help Kate with her coat and as many of you know being 6 months plus pregnant any movement can cause you to pass gas which is what happened. Then Kate (who does not have a quiet voice) says "eww mom you farted" for all to hear. It was pretty embarassing.

I was embarassed again at church. We changed to a new schedule and Beck is having a difficult time. We use to have sacrament first which was much easier with kids at 9:30 than now when it is reversed and he has to go to sacrament after nursery at 11:00 when he is starting to get tired and hungry. He will start yelling "I wanna go bye bye" or "candy" or "pizza" and has yelled even more embarassing things that I don't feel I should meniton here. Hopefully it will get better as he gets use to the new schedule.

Well, if anyone has developed some fool proof methods or tricks to make all this easier I am open to any suggestions. How am I ever going to do this with three!!! I think I will have to go at 5 am or 10 pm.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Asia, I can only sympathize! No great advice here, aside from shopping kid-free. If only it were that easy, huh? Yesterday I vowed for hundredth time that I will never take Luke to Target again! But I always forget I've made that vow until I'm in the middle of the store with a screaming child...