Three year olds make for some pretty funny conversations. Kate is starting to get the concept of jokes. I hear this about ten times a day
K: mom where do cows go?
M: I don't know where?
K: To the MOOOvies.
Then she gives her big Haaah laugh
Daddy taught her the underwear joke so I hear her say to me all the time "mom make me say underwear"
We have tried to explain to her that it is not funny when she asks us to trick her.
Here is her other favorite joke from daddy.
K: Knock Knock
D: who's there?
K: Boo
D: Boo Who?
K: Don't cry it's just me.
Daddy tried to teach her the chicken crossing the road joke, but here is Kate's version.
K: Why did the chicken cross the road?
M: I don't know why?
K: To get to the other side to play with the toys.
I guess she needed a real reason for the chicken to cross the road insead of just to get to the other side.
I think it is going to take much longer for her to understand the concept of money. Kate currently has about $1.82 in loose change I have given her from the car, daddy's pockets etc. She also has a handful of fake pirates gold which she does understand doesn't really count. She still keeps it in her hello kitty bank with her real money. Everytime she asks for something (usually it is something very expensive like a swing set or a trip to Denver to see her cousin Brookie) and we don't have the money she will say "Well, I have money". We try to explain that her money is not enough, but a few days later we have the same conversation.
Here is a conversation we had last week.
K: Mom, where does Minnie Mouse live?
M: Disneyland
K: Jennie went to Disneyland. Could we go to Disneyland?
M: It costs a lot of money to go to Disneyland.
K: I have money
At this point she proceeds to run upstairs for her Hello kitty bank and count her money
K: 11, 13, 18 I have 18 monies. Could we go mom?
M: No, That amount of money wouldn't even buy a corn dog much less a ticket to get into Disneyland.
What a way for me to squish her dreams huh.
she responds with a frustrated sigh
K: mom, you need to find me some more money!
I think she is going to have to settle for being able to buy some bubble gum which is another one of her new favorite things. I have tried to give it to her before, but I would always hear usually while in the car driving.
K: mom, Do you know where my gum went?
M: no, did you swallow it?
K: No I lost it.
She is finally able to chew gum without losing it and now she brings it to me when she is ready to throw it away.
I guess she is starting to really grow up and I hear her say how big she is and how tall she is everyday. she is pretty proud of the fact that she is now as tall as the garbage can.
Beck is getting very big too. He now is going to nursery with no problems. He is talking a ton and although at his last Dr. appt. he in the less than 5th percentile for weight the Dr. did mention he was in the 80th percentile for head size and he is ahead on his motor skills and verbal skills. He is starting to put words together. when I will ask something like "who wants a snack" he will respond "I do" it is so cute. He was at the store with daddy and daddy said "I'm ready to go" and Beck also responded "I'm ready to go" this week he has learned several new words like turtle, fishies, pizza accept it comes out "Piyah". He is also really starting to get into imaginative play and brings me food to eat from his play kitchen and has his stuffed animals give each other kisses and to daddy's displeasure he also likes to put on Kate's dress-up princess shoes.
Part of me is relieved that he is getting bigger and a little more independent and part of me is sad. I guess it will be good to have a little more time to myself now that he is playing better with his sister. I feel like I am finally getting a handle on being the parent of two and now there will be a third to thow everything out of whack again. some people might think I am crazy for wanting to further complicate my life, but I am so excited to have another baby. I finally went to my first appt. and I am 9 1/2 weeks and my due date is April 9th. It was a relief to see the baby even if it didn't look completely like a baby and looked more alienish. It was nice to hear "everything looks good" from the Dr. and to hear the heart beat. My appetite is out of control and I might end up looking like Jaba the Hut before I am done. Every two hours I have intense hunger pains and I feel like I am starving to death. Hopefully I will get back to normal soon.