2. Having Beck be slightly incapacitated has made me reflect on what it would be like if I were in his situation. How awful to be a mother with two small children to take care of and not be able to walk without crutches. It would be such an ordeal just to go to the bathroom (we are in a split level home and the bathrooms are all upstairs). I just don't see how I could take care of my family and I am so glad I do not have to be in Beck's situation or have any other disabilities for that matter.
3. I am grateful for the priesthood and that my husband is able to bless our family when needed. It is something I sometimes take for granted until my son is in pain from his broken leg or some other need is present. I am thankful to have a worthy priesthood holder in my home.
4. I am teaching Sunday on a one of President Monson's first talks as the prophet. It reminds me how grateful I am to have a prophet to guide us and to be able to meet together as a world wide church twice a year to hear our prophet and other leaders speak to us. We had Stake Conference last month as well and we recently renewed our temple recommends which makes me appreciate all that our local leaders do to strengthen us.
5. I am so grateful for the priveledge of being a mother and having my two wonderful children and to be able to welcome a new baby girl soon. I am grateful that children are so forgiving because I make a lot of mistakes. I know I am being especially irritable if Kate is telling me "I love you mom" all the time. It is her way of saying "Geez mom you sure are onery, but I love you anyway." I have been especially tired and irritable this week so I am hearing that a lot.
6. I am grateful that with the difficult economic situation we are able to provide for the temporal needs of our family. I am grateful to have a husband who is a great provider that allows me to stay home to rear our children.
7. I am Thankful for the beautiful weather we have had this week. We have been able to go on some walks and play outside which has been helpful in trying to keep Beck entertained and I need the exercise anyway. All the sunshine really lifts my spirits. I love the snow too, but I hate the cold. Too bad we can't have the snow without the cold.
8. I am grateful for all my thoughtful neighbors who have been checking on me and making sure we are doing okay with Beck's injury and sharing in the excitement of our baby.
9. I am grateful for this wonderful country we have to live in and the freedoms we enjoy. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to vote recently and that we are safe from genocide, civil wars, dictators and extreme human suffering found in countries like Africa and Haiti.
10. I am most thankful for the atonement and the opportunity I have to repent, be forgiven and try again. I am grateful that it can ease my physical and emotional pains and sicknesses as well as my shortcomings and sins.