Thursday, November 13, 2008

Baby Brother or Baby Sister?

It's a Girl!!!!!!

We had our perinatal ultra-sound today and we found out we are expecting a baby girl. She was being very shy and even kept both arms in front of her face almost the whole time.
Needless to say we didn't really get any good face shots except when her one eyeball was poking out between her arms which makes for a kind of creepy picture.
The only other really good picture we got was the one of the bottom of her foot. Soooo Cute! They checked her brain, heart, kindneys, spine, and so on and everything looked great. Her growth is right on schedule and everything was the way it is expected to be. She already weighs 10 ounces.
Kate is very excited to have a baby sister. She really wanted one of both, but we kept telling her there is only one in mommy's tummy.
I finally grew out of my last pair of pants, so it will have to be stictly maternity pants from now on. I am in the awkward stage where I just look fat and not really pregnant. I think the most pregant looking part of me is my rear end. I tried on nursing bras since mine is shot from nursing two kids already and they are too big. I don't think that is fair to be so disporportionate :(. Here is another embarasing thing about my pregnant body. The ultra sound tech thought I had had a cesearing delivery, but I just reassured her that they were only stretch marks. Pretty sad when your stretch marks are so deep, large, and dark that a stranger mistakes them for surgical scars. I guess I won't be doing any binkini modeling in the future ;). Well, I am relieved to know what we are having especially the obesessive compulsive over planner in me who has been wanting to organize all my baby clothes for weeks now. My husband's resonse after we were driving home in the car was "Well, I guess the names Desmond and Jude are out" (he is a huge Beatles fan). He won't admit it, but he is just joking. Any help with names would be great. My husband will probably just suggest some musicians name like Jewel or even worse Bjork.


Katey said...

congrats! Lexi will be so jealous that Kate's having a little sister!

Unknown said...

We are so excited for you!!!

valerie said...

Congratulations! That is awesome. I'm glad everything looks good.

suz said...

congrats guys! we are excited for you and so glad that she is healthy!jed and suz

The Carters said...

How fun...and congrats!