Thursday, December 18, 2008

An early Christmas present

Today we took Beck back to the orthopedic Dr. and they removed his cast. Yay! Beck fell asleep in the car on the way there and he was so tired he slept through the X-rays and the removal of the cast. He woke up when they took the actual cast off but he slept through all the cutting. I had my hands over his ears which helped. I have heard that part can be kind of traumatic for them, so I figured the longer he slept the better. He kept saying "cast boken" and "leg boken". He doesn't seem ready to stand or walk on it yet, but it sure makes crawling a lot better. I am excited to be able to give him a regular bath without having to make such a huge ordeal out of it and that he can fit better in his PJs. It is a nice early Christmas present. I was getting tired of having to carry him constantly. Hopefully he will be more mobile by Christmas.

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