Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sleeping like a baby

It is funny how kids can sleep anywhere and in almost any position. Since Beck has been a tiny newborn he has prefered to sleep on his stomach. He didn't sleep well the first six months because I was too affraid to put him on his stomach for fear of sids. The only way I could really get him to sleep was to let him sleep in a partial sitting position in his swing. He slept much better once I started putting him on his stomach to sleep.
He didn't sleep through the night probably until he was 14 months old or so and lately it is like I have a newborn all over again. He has had the stomach flu and has been vomiting and having diarrhea all throught the day and all through the night. I think he is finally over that, but still not sleeping very well. I think his body is trying to make up for the lost fluids and nutrition. He wakes up several times a night for drinks and wakes up very early (before 7:30 feels like 4 am to me) for toast. Usually I can get him to lie down for a bit until I wake up completely except this morning he was literally yelling "toast", so I had no choice, but to drag my groggy body out of bed.

This weekend we decided to put Beck in the shower with daddy and I double wrapped his leg and triple taped it, but it didn't work like I was hoping and he got the inside of his cast pretty wet. It took several hours of blow drying to get it completely dry. He fell asleep during the process. I guess all the warm air and the white noise just did him in.
Kate is a great sleeper, but she refuses to take naps even though her body eventually wins out in the end if we are traveling in the car in the late afternoon or if she decides to take a break from her play to rest on the couch.
The other day when Kate actually took a real nap I was waking her and her daddy up to go and neither one would get out of their beds. I told Kate she is just like daddy because she won't get out of bed. Her response was "No I am not like daddy I am like a sleeping horse".
Here are a few more updates not related to sleep about Beck. He is growing up and learning so much so fast.
Beck is getting to be quite the talker and it is so cute. Here are a few of my favorites words.
Bell la la: Elephant
Lilla: Gorilla
Bebra: Zebra
Melmo: Elmo (He calls all Sesame Street Characters Melmo)
Nandy: Candy
Nack: Snack
I think it is also cute that everytime I say something about dinner Beck asks "Daddy Home?"

After the Thanksgiving holiday and spending so much time with daddy Beck has been asking me several times a day "Daddy go?"
If he is hungry he will usually yell "Nack!" "Nack!" but lately it has been "Dinner ready? Dinner ready? Dinner ready?" like 10X in a row.
He refers to himself as "baby Beck" especially if he is looking in the mirror or looking at a picture of himself.
The other day he heard me say something about going to Nana's and Papa's house, so all day he kept whining "wanna go papa's house"
If he sees something he thinks is cute he will say "oh coot".
He also makes up these cute little dances for music he hears whether it is daddy singing or the TV.

He has also been saying "ohhhh" with great emphasis when I tell him something that is new.
Another thing I have noticed lately is that he really likes telling his big sister what to do. Whenever I am yelling for Kate to come he will start yelling for Kate also or he will say things like "Come on Kate" or "No Kate" I think it is kind of funny that eventhough he is the youngest he thinks he is the boss. I am sure it will be even more pronounced when he has a little sister to boss around.

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