Monday, February 9, 2009

Back Seat Drivers

I have been noticing lately how many comments my kids make in the car about my driving and it is easy to know why. I talk a lot when I am in the car and it is a bad habit I am realizing I need to eliminate. The good part is that I point out interesting things to my kids out the windows and they learn some new things about their world, the bad part is that I also get frustrated with other drivers and make comments about that too. I also tend to tell my husband how to drive and he usually responds that he has been driving just fine for years before he met me and was able to get from one place to another just fine without my help. I have to clarify for those who don't know my husband that he is extremely smart and thinks deeply about things and discusses these deep thoughts with me while he is driving, so sometimes he is on auto pilot and not really paying attention to where he is going. He frequently will pass our exit from the freeway or drive around a parking lot for 5 minutes passing several good spots to absent mindedly park in some random spot a mile away because he is so busy solving the problems of the universe. Usually I don't mind where he parks, but being in the third trimester of pregancy with back pain and trouble breathing plus winter snow and ice in parking lots I have become a lot more particular.
So maybe now you'll understand why sometimes I have to be a back seat driver and let him know "that was out exit you just passed" or "here is our turn" etc.
Kate is always asking what this sign means or what power sub stations are for and sometimes I have to just tell her to be quiet, so I can concentrate on driving. She can be quite distracting at times with her millions of questions. Then sometimes she is acting like her mom and becomes quite the back seat driver. For example, when I am turning right and the light is red, she is quick to point out that the light is red. She often thinks we are going the wrong way home and I have to reassure her that I do know where I am going and I do know how to drive. She is also helpful to point out that we don't use the word "dumb" or "idiot" when I slip up and say something I shouldn't to other drivers in front of my kids. Why is it that I think it is okay to talk to other drivers in such a way when I would never in a million years act like that in their presence. I am usually extremely polite in public, so it is quite out of my nature to be such a irritable impatient driver.

Beck hasn't been immune to picking up my bad habits like I wish he was. He has been quite the impersonator lately. I will hear him yell from the back seat "Go dude!" or "Come on cars". Hopefully I can change my ways before my bad habits rub off even more on my kids or my husband wants to drop me off on the side of the road:).


Catherine said...

I'm working on this right now, too. Is it really worth getting frustrated and passing bad habits to my kids? I know it's not!

Unknown said...

I can totally relate to kids repeating things you would rather they didn't, but hey it makes for good laughs right? Miss you guys!! Love- Dani

suz said...

Ahem.Don't you think "extremely smart" is stretching it a bit? :)jk