Thursday, August 20, 2009

baby milestones

I haven't really posted much of the baby, so I thought it was about time. She is now 4 1/2 months old and has reach a few developmental milestones. She rolled over the day before she turned 4 months. She loves to spit and she cracks us up when she spits at her brother and sister when they get too close and she doesn't want to be bothered. she has discovered her hands and feet and loves to stare at them and play with them. She has been playing with toys for quite a while already and is very good at manipulating them.
She doesn't shreak or make a lot of noise, but she does sigh a lot when she is relaxing in the tub or when she has become bored with a toy etc. She loves watching her brother and sister run back and forth and loves when they talk to her and tell her stories. Beck is still learning how to be soft and today I caught him plugging her nose. Here are some of my favorite pictures I have taken lately.

I love this one of the sisters

Kiera loves to sleep with her arms behind her head
She sleeps from about 9pm until 4am, so I am happy with that and I think it will get even better when she finally gets to eat some solid food.

She is getting the cutest little fuzz on the top of her head. I love it. I was worried she would have nothing for her first couple years except the wierd patch on the back of her head near the nape of her neck.
It is definitely harder to keep up with the picture taking with the third. I see why a lot of middle children don't have many baby pictures and I don't want to let that happen.


April said...

YEAH!! You are so lucky to have healthy developing children. Never take that for granted. Loves!

Unknown said...

Oh she is so cute!!! I will send out that CD of her pictures I took. Sorry I keep forgetting to get it to you!