Tomorrow Aug. 28th is our 6th wedding anniversary. It will be pretty low key since we already celebrated earlier in the month. I still remember how nervous I was that morning and the tremendous peace I felt when I saw Eli walking toward me. Just another of the many confirmations that he is the one for me. What a wonderful day it was and how many other great blessings have come into our lives since then. In those 6 years we bought a home and had two beautiful children and now have number three on the way. Eli finished his bachelor's degree and is doing a fabulous job as our provider, so I can stay home with our children. There are days when I miss having so much time for the two of us, but we love being parents. We realize it is just a short time we will have little ones to take up almost all of our attention, so we are okay sacrificing some of our couple time for them. I think another sacrifice we make is living on one income which also makes it hard to get away as a couple for date nights. Regardless of the blessings and challenges we have had in the past 6 years, I am glad we have all of eternity to continue to celebrate, sacrifice, work, experience joy, learn from each other, etc. Thanks Eli for putting up with me the last 6 years and for your commitment, patience, forgiveness, devotion, and your unconditional love! Thanks also for being such a great dad!
I just wanted to add one more comment that is unrelated to our anniversary. Lately Beck has been pointing to the pictures of Jesus and calling him "Daddy". I think it is kind of cute and kind of profound at the same time. Maybe he is in the phase where every male is "daddy", but I'd like to think there is more to it than that.