Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday Tell All

For those of you who haven't heard of Tuesday tell all. It is a blog that gives you journaling ideas for your blogs and the address is Tuesday-tell-all.blogspot.com. Anyway, I rarely end up blogging on Tuesday or the topic they have chosen doesn't particularly appeal to me. However since it is still Tuesday and the topic is Halloween traditions I thought I'd give it a try.

Halloween is one of those holidays where you usually find a couple of opportunities to celebrate. Our ward always had a halloween carnival put on by the young women and Young men. Then their was the elementary school carnival not to mention my birthday parties.
As a young child my parents always took me and my siblings to my grandmas house. She would make Chili and rolls and then we would head out for some trick-or-treating. She lives in a mobile home court which is a huge advantage for halloween with the homes so close together you can get a lot of candy in a short amount of time. We would also hit our own neighborhood when we were done. Then it was home to sort and count all the goodies.

when I got older, it was fun to be in charge of the carnivals and also to do go to halloween parties, dances and haunted houses. There was one stake halloween dance in high school where some guy asked me to slow dance to the song "forever young" by Alphaville. I guess that ages me a bit. Anyway, he had very bad hygeine and bad breath and he was singing the song to me while I was trying to hold my breath. I felt bad but I almost darted away from him at the end to get some fresh air. I was never much for haunted houses (the chain saw dudes and being in closed in spaces freaked me out). I usually ended up punching a few of the actors who came too close and falling down a lot. I went to a corn maze only once a few years ago and it was raining buckets and the mud was up to the mid calf. Pretty miserable!

Now that I have my own children we usually do the pumpkin patch thing that I mentioned last time and this year we went to the Syracuse pumpkin walk. they have volunteers carve hundreds of pumpkins and then they light them and line them up for everyone to come walk through and see all the creations. We usually spend halloween with my in-laws. There are lots of cousins all the same age to play together and trick-or-treat together. It is pretty casual but it is nice that Eli has a big family and that most of them are close. We always miss the cousins in Phoenix and Denver on the holidays though. Hopefully we will have lots of fun memories and new traditions to come. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

1 comment:

The Lutz Family said...

Nice, Kelly is going to be so happy when I show him. That is such a horrible picture, but so funny. Happy Halloween! Candi